There's no much to see on the forum right now, but we are keeping it up maybe forever so there will be thriving discussion there eventually
No amount of typing on this post about what we talked about this episode will do it justice. If you do choose to listen past the announcements do us a favor and with a modern podcasting app – such as Fountain please make clips of your favorite parts and post them!
Missed recording last week because Dielan had the 'rona. A lot of bullshit went down since last episode!
Topics include:
Bayo3 voice actor drama
Note: after we recorded this episode new information came to light that suggests that Hellena Taylor was lying about the low offer, which confirms our biases that this lady is suspicious
G4TV put out of its misery
Fandom acquired gamespot, gamefaqs. giant bomb, metacritic, TV guide, and more – WTF
Today's episode is a little different. Due to missing recording day and going on a vacation, we decided to just invite anybody from our Discord to join in. We only got 3 people to join, but it was pretty short notice. We'll def do this again sometime and see how chaotic we can make it.
Topics include:
Where did the name Melonmancy come from in the first place
The current state of some of our old staple games, like Guild Wars 2 and Warframe
The dichotomy of Doomsday Preppers and Homesteaders
Dielan was looking for some indie stealth game on and ended up playing Hero's Harem Guild instead